High-quality mini-pumps and frame pumps, precise air pumps and the original product, the SKS-RENNKOMPRESSOR define the bicycle air pump range. Even in the area of spray protection (fenders), new developments drive the victories that SKS has attained in the bicycle accessories segment. Compact bicycle tools, chain guards, bottles, bottle holders and seats have also been integrated into the SKS range of products in order to provide for even more comfort and safety while cycling. The quality stamp MADE IN GERMANY is reflected in the high standards for quality, functionality and design. This is because SKS products are developed at the in-house Research and Development departments with our years of experience and creativity and are then rigorously tested. The many awards such as the RED DOT and the EUROBIKE AWARD, the title »Führender Anbieter für Fahrradzubehör« (Leading supplier of bicycle accessories) and the many, excellent test ratings in renowned trade magazines speak for themselves.
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